Product Reviews

White Gold
by Anonymous from WNYon Jun 22, 2012

Whenever I use this product, I can feel its effects right away. Plus it tastes great! There is a great amount of deception out there concerning what should be used to heal yourself due to control & greed. Always look to nature for the answer. I believe the proper path to health is out of the hands of the vast majority of doctors that have forgotten how to think and care for the patient and instead prescribe pills based upon a data entry placed into a computer. The right amount of nutrition can heal any disease, but the problem is reaching that level sustainably. My journey has taken me to the use of this wonderful product, as well as Vitamin D3 2000 IUs/tab, hawaiian astaxanthin, spirulina, and chlorella (as well as sunflower oil pulling for my teeth - no longer need a dentist). For the exact products for use above, look into "the ranger of health".


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